Saturday, April 24, 2010

The Dead Weather Concert Review: Friday, April 23

The Dead Weather, Jack White's latest band endeavor, opened for the Flaming Lips in KC last night. This review will be shorter, because I am really excited to move on to the Flaming Lips, but they were pretty great.

I haven't been a fan of the band for long, and honestly tried to get more into them after I heard they were opening for the Lips, but their 2009 album, Horehound is great. If you're expecting a White Stripes sound-a-like, it's not going to happen, as they are much heavier and Alison Mosshart, the lead singer, has much harsher vocals than White. They started playing around 8 before it got dark out, and the crowd wasn't incredibly large, but as it got later and later into the evening the crowd got more hyped (and drunk) and the show became exponentially better.

They played basically all of Horehound with a few of their newer singles. Mosshart thrashed about in her skinny jeans and tight shirt, and occasionally White would stumble to the front of the stage to appease the crowd and drunkenly sing a few songs. It was a little too much of a love fest for White after people finally realized that he was the drummer sitting in the back, so I'd love to see them actually headline a show.

Watch: The Dead Weather -- Hang You from the Heavens

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