Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Album Review: LCD Soundsystem "This is Happening"

So I promised album reviews, and I have failed thus far at that aspect of this blog. I thought it would be appropriate for the first album review to be of LCD Soundsystem's newest album, This is Happening, because I did hate on them in my recap of the Pitchfork lineup (Yes, I realize this album leaked and the official release date isn't until May 18. But, the tracks are on LCD's Web site and I've had the album for quite some time, so... there it is).

I am ashamed of that post in which I spoke not necessarily poorly of LCD, but I was definitely not as stoked about them as I should've been. Unfortunately, this album makes me want to run far away from my family reunion and attend the Pitchfork Music Festival, but alas, I don't have the money anyway.

Alright, I'm going to do this my own way. I have a harder time writing album reviews for legit publications because I have sort of a rubric I need to follow, and if there's something you should know about my writing, I hate rubrics.

This album is very LCD typical. Heavy beats, weird percussion, a mess of vocals -- and I just want to go to a flash rave and dance to these tracks immediately (well, not all of them, but majority, at least). I have a feeling that "Drunk Girls" will be the pop-classic, with lyrics that describe a variety of situations involving very drunk girls, and boys, which they repeat over and over throughout the song. I can hear this already at hipster-esque parties in basements with strobe lights and skinny jeans.

"Dance Yrself Clean" is my favorite. For sure. Of course they had to misspell one of the words to make themselves more "alt" but whatever, it's a great track. It's the opening track for the album, following LCD's trend of lengthy tracks at 8:58, and starts off slow, and eases into a heavier beat and more of a dance track. I love the transitions that LCD is able to always pull off seamlessly, especially in this track.

"All I Want" is one of their first singles, but it's nothing too noteworthy, I don't think. It's good, but too sing-songy. Too melodic. "One Touch" is definitely the track for those rolling and losing their minds in some random club, with bizarre vocals and echoing voices. Interesting, but a little too LCD-weird for me.

Oh, and "Pow Pow"... Not so good. Just weird.

Listen: LCD Soundsystem -- All I Want (from Pitchfork)

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